Carleton University
- Faculty of Science Let’s get NEURDY | CU-299 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Science Diverse Adaptations for Extreme Environments | CU-307 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Science Choose your fighter! The immune system, pathogens, and their fascinating, never-ending battle. | CU-308 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Science From Cells to Tissues: Revolutionizing medicine through tissue engineering | CU-310 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Science Game Theory & Network Science for Curious Minds | CU-319 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Science How scientists study biology | CU-326 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Science The Tiny Earth Project: Discover new antibiotics to join the fight against superbugs! | CU-332 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Science Casinos, Games, Health, M & Ms Candies, Rubik’s Cube…..How are those related to Mathematics, Probability, and Statistics?! | CU-341 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Science The Games People Play: Learning Mathematics by Playing Games | CU-353 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Action Now: Social Change Through the Arts. | CU-290 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Know Thyself: Self-Awareness Enhancement through Online Cognitive Games | CU-291 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences “That’s Fake News!” TikTok, Twitter, and Social Media Lies in the Digital Age | CU-294 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences The Art of Writing: Creating Compelling Stories and Persuasive Arguments | CU-296 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Storytelling Magic: The Power and Practice of Narrative | CU-297 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences What’s That Noise?? Experimenting with Music and Sound | CU-302 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Retelling the Myths of Ancient Greece | CU-303 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Can Machines Think? | CU-304 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Creating Great Characters for Film and Television: An Introduction to Screenwriting | CU-309 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Why Am I Like This? - Introduction to Developmental Psychology | CU-311 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Tips and strategies to successfully learn a foreign language at University | CU-315 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences ¡Hola! ¿Cómo te llamas?( Hi! What is your name? | CU-317 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Archival Adventures: Discovering the Past through Records | CU-322 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Do You Hear The People Sing: Revolutions, Rivals, and Rebellion on stage | CU-323 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences REFUGEES REIMAGINED: A Spotlight on Olympic medalists, Michelin-Star Chefs, and Award-winning Artists | CU-324 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences They want to change everything! History of Latin American Feminism | CU-328 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Curate your World: Intro to Curating | CU-329 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences True Crime, Gender, and Pop Culture: A Care-Full Analysis | CU-333 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences IT’S THE END AS WE KNOW IT!!! Film History and Apocalyptic Narratives | CU-334 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences K-pop ABCs: Learn to read and write the Korean alphabet in 5 days! | CU-338 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Creative Social Science: Gaming Ideology – Game Design for Social Change | CU-342 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Anime: How It Began, How Fans Kept it Alive, and Why It’s Bigger Than Ever | CU-347 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences The greatest challenge of our generation? Reasons for optimism in tackling climate change from the local to the global | CU-348 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Playing with History: Analyzing and Designing Historical Games | CU-350 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences A Historian’s Guide to Fantasy Gaming | CU-351 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Engineering and Design Controlling your world is as easy as Pi. Raspberry Pi | CU-295 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Engineering and Design Physics with Virtual Reality | CU-298 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Engineering and Design Women in Computing | CU-300 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Engineering and Design The Innovation Jam: Designing a digital product using the fundamentals of Person-Centered Design | CU-301 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Engineering and Design Robot Gladiators: Building and Battling with Microcontrollers | CU-312 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Engineering and Design Be a Data Science and AI Health Detective: Discover What Your Body’s Telling You Through Data! | CU-313 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Engineering and Design Lab to Life: Real-Life Applications of Mechanical Concepts | CU-316 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Engineering and Design Demystifying AI: An Introduction to Machine Learning | CU-318 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Engineering and Design Tech Trek: Journey Through Computer History, Python, and Robotics! | CU-320 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Engineering and Design Build your dream home (Introduction to Architecture and Building Engineering) | CU-321 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Engineering and Design AI in Action: Mastering Prompt Engineering to Build Your Own Business Solutions | CU-339 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Engineering and Design Mission to Space: Introduction to Space Engineering | CU-349 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Engineering and Design Think, Tinker, Thrive: The Engineering Mindset | CU-354 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Public Affairs Learn to Use Your Voice: Climate change and social justice | CU-293 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Public Affairs Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution in Europe | CU-305 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Public Affairs Game Theory: How to practically apply theory to make better decisions | CU-314 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Public Affairs Mathematical Economics | CU-325 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Public Affairs War and Peace in International Relations | CU-330 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Public Affairs Hack the System: Master AI and Media Manipulation to Drive Change against Corruption and Capitalism | CU-331 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Public Affairs Swifties...Are You Ready For It? Law in the World of Taylor Swift | CU-335 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Public Affairs How to Go Viral for Good: Activism in the Digital Age | CU-336 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Public Affairs Carceral Resistance: From Decolonial Perspectives | CU-337 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Public Affairs That’s not what I saw on TV | CU-343 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Public Affairs How to Rig a Foreign Election | CU-344 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Public Affairs Comics and Cartooning | CU-346 | Carleton University
- Faculty of Public Affairs Basic Economics | CU-352 | Carleton University
- Sprott School of Business DeckFlix: Binge-Worthy Presentations | CU-289 | Carleton University
- Sprott School of Business Maverick Minds: Business Builders Bootcamp | CU-327 | Carleton University
- Sprott School of Business How to start your own business | CU-340 | Carleton University
- Student Services The Moral Maze: Exploring Moral Philosophy | CU-292 | Carleton University
- Student Services Indigenous Peoples in Canada: History, Resilience, and Allyship | CU-345 | Carleton University
Université d'Ottawa
Cours en français
- École de gestion Telfer L’art de relever des défis : Leadership, résilience et adaptation. | UO-322 |
- Faculté d'éducation Libère ton potentiel : Parle, capte, impressionne ! | UO-371 |
- Faculté d'éducation Démasquez les Objets du Quotidien : Les Secrets du Rétro-Ingénierie ! | UO-372 |
- Faculté d'éducation Méthodes avancées d'enseignement des sciences et des mathématiques | UO-375 |
- Faculté d'éducation Un voyage à travers le temps : volet éducation | UO-377 |
- Faculté d'éducation Éveiller la pensée critique : comment débattre et lutter contre les fausses informations? | UO-382 |
- Faculté d'éducation Éco-Art: La relation entre l'art et l'environnement | UO-488 |
- Faculté d'éducation Héros numériques : éthique et citoyenneté dans un monde connecté | UO-491 |
- Faculté de droit Tes droits de consommateur : ton arme pour déjouer les arnaques | UO-330 |
- Faculté de droit Les mécanismes du droit criminel : Exploration des enjeux sociaux, démystification des mythes et immersion dans une simulation de procès. | UO-331 |
- Faculté de droit Le droit et la liberté d'expression à l'ère des réseaux sociaux | UO-332 |
- Faculté de droit L'art de la responsabilité civile : Plus simplement, comment le droit gère les chicanes entre adultes ? | UO-336 |
- Faculté de droit Droit des jeux vidéos | UO-337 |
- Faculté de droit Droit des jeux vidéos et technologies | UO-338 |
- Faculté de droit Le droit international: un voyage | UO-342 |
- Faculté de droit Droit des obligations - Introduction au contrat | UO-343 |
- Faculté de génie Des Micro-interrupteurs pour la Macro-ingénierie | UO-389 |
- Faculté de génie Comment concevoir son propre site web | UO-402 |
- Faculté de génie La maison que je rêve de construire | UO-415 |
- Faculté de génie Plonge dans l’avenir numérique: Apprends à penser comme une machine | UO-416 |
- Faculté de génie - Quand science et magie se rencontrent : découvre l’intelligence artificielle ! - Comment les ordinateurs apprennent : découvre l’univers fascinant de l’IA ! | UO-417 |
- Faculté de génie Décryptez le code : Devenez un pro de Python en une semaine ! | UO-419 |
- Faculté de génie Ton Site Web avec une Touche d’IA | UO-446 |
- Faculté de génie C'est parti ! Apprends à coder avec Python et explore le monde de la programmation ! | UO-447 |
- Faculté de génie Décode le futur : Plongée dans l’intelligence artificielle et les algorithmes | UO-448 |
- Faculté de génie Apprendre la robotique avec Arduino | UO-449 |
- Faculté de génie Comment creer sa propre calculatrice en java? | UO-450 |
- Faculté de génie Découvrir le monde fascinant de l'ingénierie et ses différentes carrières! | UO-490 |
- Faculté de médecine Que fait un au quotidien? | UO-492 |
- Faculté de médecine À la découverte de l'anatomie humaine | UO-493 |
- Faculté des arts Les drones au service de l’environnement | UO-346 |
- Faculté des arts Raconte-moi une pub : l’art du storytelling | UO-353 |
- Faculté des arts L'art de raconter : Les secrets des narrateurs | UO-354 |
- Faculté des arts Introduction au théâtre | UO-364 |
- Faculté des arts Sorcellerie: entre imaginaire et persécutions | UO-366 |
- Faculté des arts Apprenez à produire votre propre récit multimédia! | UO-367 |
- Faculté des arts Trouve ta passion : Construis ton avenir professionnel | UO-368 |
- Faculté des arts Cultures numériques : les données, la technologie et le monde qui nous entoure ! | UO-420 |
- Faculté des sciences Dans la math jusqu’au cou! | UO-325 |
- Faculté des sciences Des ROCHES, de la BOUE, des BIBITTES et des OS | UO-326 |
- Faculté des sciences Tout Autour, La Chimie Nous Entoure!! | UO-347 |
- Faculté des sciences Biologie : Beauté et splendeur du monde vivant | UO-349 |
- Faculté des sciences Les GÈNE-ies du génome! | UO-425 |
- Faculté des sciences La physique, c'est le monde qui nous entoure! | UO-494 |
- Faculté des sciences de la santé Découvrir l'invisible : la biologie moléculaire | UO-437 |
- Faculté des sciences de la santé La santé au-delà du physique : comment nos expériences de vie dès la petite enfance nous façonnent | UO-481 |
- Faculté des sciences de la santé La nutrition sous toutes ses coutures | UO-484 |
- Faculté des sciences de la santé Sciences des aliments: Le défi du développement de produits alimentaires | UO-485 |
- Faculté des sciences de la santé La santé mental est importante ! | UO-487 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales Les secrets du monde sociale | UO-467 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales Les Héros du Changement : Découvre le Développement | UO-468 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales La psychologie du sommeil et des rêves | UO-469 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales La valorisation du patrimoine culturel (musée, galeries, centres culturels, sites culturels etc..) | UO-470 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales Comment le système nerveux permet la sensation et perception du monde? | UO-471 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales Raconter son entourage rapidement et autrement en audio-/visuels | UO-472 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales Promotion de l'Entrepreneuriat chez les jeunes | UO-473 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales Une introduction au fonctionnement du cerveau | UO-474 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales Économie propulsée par l’innovation et l’entreprenariat | UO-475 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales Ce que racontent nos yeux... | UO-476 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales Murales et Messages : Explorer l'art du graffiti et la culture urbaine | UO-477 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales Réseaux sociaux et stéréotypes : Comment rester toi-même dans un monde numérique ? | UO-478 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales Comprends ton Parlement : le système électoral canadien | UO-479 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales Amour sans violence : démystifier les mythes afin de vivre des relations amoureuses saines | UO-480 |
Cours en anglais
- École de gestion Telfer AI & Business: What's the Link? | UO-320 |
- École de gestion Telfer From Ideas to Impact: Cultivating an Entrepreneurial Mindset | UO-323 |
- École de gestion Telfer The CEO Challenge: Unlock Your Inner Boss | UO-489 |
- Faculté d'éducation The Amazing World We Share: Humans and More-than-humans | UO-369 |
- Faculté d'éducation Belonging and inclusion: how we can make the world a better place for ourselves and others | UO-370 |
- Faculté d'éducation Financial Independence: So you aren't living with your parents for the rest of your life | UO-373 |
- Faculté d'éducation Future Teachers: Discover Your Path to Inspiring and Leading the Next Generation | UO-374 |
- Faculté d'éducation Terrific Teachers of Tomorrow | UO-376 |
- Faculté d'éducation Who Am I? A Creative Exploration | UO-379 |
- Faculté d'éducation AI-mazing Classrooms: Unlocking the Power of Artificial Intelligence for Students | UO-380 |
- Faculté d'éducation The Healthy Life Blueprint: Nutrition, Fitness, and Body Systems | UO-381 |
- Faculté de droit The Dawn of a New Age - International Trade Law | UO-319 |
- Faculté de droit Youth-Led Environmental Activism | UO-335 |
- Faculté de génie Engineers: Creative Building bridges, Fun competition | UO-384 |
- Faculté de génie Game On! How Bots Outsmart Humans in Video Games! | UO-385 |
- Faculté de génie Bridges: Design, Build, Test! | UO-386 |
- Faculté de génie Biomedical Engineering | UO-387 |
- Faculté de génie Mission Ready! How Aircraft Software is Tested and Satellites Connect to Earth? | UO-392 |
- Faculté de génie Pathway to Computer Science: Your Guide to the World of Tech | UO-393 |
- Faculté de génie Create Your Own PhotoGram: Build a Cool Image Sharing Platform! ? | UO-400 |
- Faculté de génie Python crash course | UO-401 |
- Faculté de génie Build Your Own Smart Apps with AI Magic! | UO-404 |
- Faculté de génie Hacking the Hackers: Cybersecurity Adventures for a Safer Digital World | UO-409 |
- Faculté de génie Be Civil Engineer for One Week and Build your Own Mini House | UO-412 |
- Faculté de génie Building the Future: How Smart Cities Will Change the World! | UO-413 |
- Faculté de génie CircuitCrafters : Mastering the Art of Integrated Circuit Design | UO-414 |
- Faculté de génie Create Awesome Web Games with HTML & JavaScript! | UO-441 |
- Faculté de génie Power Up the Future: Exploring Renewable Energy and Sustainability | UO-442 |
- Faculté de génie Robot Makers: Build Your Own Arduino-Powered Mobile Bot! | UO-443 |
- Faculté de génie "How Computers See: Dive Into the World of AI and Vision!" "Teach Machines to Think: An AI Adventure" "Coding Cool: Build Smart Programs with AI" "The Magic of Machines: Learn How AI Works!" "From Pixels to Brains: Explore the Fun Side of AI" | UO-444 |
- Faculté de génie Design Sparks: A Fun Journey into UI/UX with Figma | UO-445 |
- Faculté des arts How to Become Famous on Social Media? | UO-348 |
- Faculté des arts Why people talk different: dialects and languages | UO-350 |
- Faculté des arts Drones at the Service of the Environment | UO-351 |
- Faculté des arts Digital Cultures : data, technology and the world around us! | UO-355 |
- Faculté des arts Taylor’s Version”: Understanding the Impact of Taylor Swift using Economics, Law and Culture | UO-356 |
- Faculté des arts Warriors and Witches: Women in Ancient Greek Myth | UO-357 |
- Faculté des arts Español 2.0: Discovery Edition | UO-358 |
- Faculté des arts Brain Boost: Unlock Your Thinking Superpowers! | UO-359 |
- Faculté des arts From the Pages to the Screen: Investigating Depictions of the Middle Ages | UO-360 |
- Faculté des arts Discovering Linguistics: Language Puzzles and Linguistic Diversity | UO-361 |
- Faculté des arts Gender Roles in Japanese Anime: Tradition vs. Modernity | UO-362 |
- Faculté des arts Eco-Faith Adventures | UO-363 |
- Faculté des arts Introduction to theatre | UO-418 |
- Faculté des sciences Down-to-Earth Mathematics | UO-324 |
- Faculté des sciences ROCKS, DIRT, BUGS and BONES | UO-344 |
- Faculté des sciences What in the World ISN'T Chemistry? | UO-345 |
- Faculté des sciences Biology: The Wonder of Life's Beauty | UO-352 |
- Faculté des sciences Genome GENE-iuses! | UO-424 |
- Faculté des sciences 5 Days at the Physics Frontier: From Astrophysics and Quantum Physics to DNA Nanotechnology. | UO-495 |
- Faculté des sciences de la santé Genes in Action: Discover How Stress Impacts Your Health! | UO-426 |
- Faculté des sciences de la santé Art and Health: Crafting Healthier Communities | UO-427 |
- Faculté des sciences de la santé Positive Psychology 101: Exploring the Science of Happiness through Self-Reflection and Social Connection | UO-428 |
- Faculté des sciences de la santé Introduction to global health leadership | UO-430 |
- Faculté des sciences de la santé "Speak Up! The Awesome Science Behind Talking and Listening" | UO-431 |
- Faculté des sciences de la santé Skills for Success: Mental Skills for Performance and Well-Being | UO-432 |
- Faculté des sciences de la santé Adventure in Nature: Exploring Parks and Protecting the Planet | UO-433 |
- Faculté des sciences de la santé Mega Sports Events: Behind the Scenes | UO-435 |
- Faculté des sciences de la santé The Wonders of Hearing: Exploring Your Ears and How They Work | UO-436 |
- Faculté des sciences de la santé Smart Plates, Bright Futures: Mastering Healthy Eating | UO-438 |
- Faculté des sciences de la santé Food Science: The challenge of food product development | UO-486 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales Empowering Minds: Navigating Social Challenges Together | UO-451 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales The Human Rights Tour: Exploring freedom around the Globe | UO-452 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales Mental Health: What is it, Really? | UO-453 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales Be a Teen Tycoon: The Basics of Building Wealth | UO-454 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales Your World, Your Rules: How Government Shapes Everything! | UO-455 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales It's Ok to be black | UO-456 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales Quest for Roots: Diversity in Canada | UO-457 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales World Changers: Who Am I and How Can I Make a Difference? | UO-458 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales Spark Ideas, Spark Change: Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship and Impact Investing | UO-459 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales Eco-Detectives: Exploring the Mystery of Humans and the Environment | UO-460 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales Behind Bars: The Truth About Prisons, Punishment, and Second Chances | UO-461 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales Global Laws, Local Impact: Understanding the Basics of International Justice | UO-462 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales Behind the Badge: Policing in Canada | UO-463 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales Friendships and socializing through technology | UO-464 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales Brain Rot? Discover how your mind works! | UO-465 |
- Faculté des sciences sociales Understanding the Power of Media in Society : Influence, Power, and Responsibility | UO-466 |