Engineers: Creative Building bridges, Fun competition

Institution: University of Ottawa ()
Category: Faculty of Engineering
Language: English

Course Description

This is the outline regarding to the 100 word paragraph you want me to send to you. The pasta structure is a structure that only pasta and glue are used for its construction and it is made on a small scale. The use of pasta structure is mostly used in the fields of civil engineering and architecture. You need to know that you can also encourage children to make pasta structures. Of course, making pasta structures by children is not as complicated as pasta structures made by architecture and civil engineering students. Making a simple pasta structure for children has many advantages, among the most important of these advantages can be mentioned the strengthening of children's creativity, increasing concentration, problem solving power, familiarity with physics concepts, increasing collective skills, etc. After teaching them the physics concept of it, I can teach them how to build one, and make them in groups to compete.