Behind the Badge: Policing in Canada

Établissement : Université d'Ottawa ()
Catégorie : Faculté des sciences sociales
Langue : English

Description du cours

“Behind the Badge: Policing in Canada” is a mini-course consisting of interactive lectures, dynamic class discussions, small group activities, and a Q & A with a police officer. By the end of this course, students will be able to: [1] explain the origins of policing; [2] describe the roles and responsibilities of modern police at the federal, provincial, and municipal levels; [3] discuss contemporary issues in urban policing, such as youth crimes, homelessness, and substance use; [4] evaluate police use of technology, such as surveillance, predictive policing, and body-worn cameras; and [5] explore alternative approaches to public safety.


Hello! My name is Nicolette, and I’m currently a second-year M.A. student studying Criminology at the University of Ottawa. My research interests include policing, surveillance, and social movements, particularly within the Canadian context. In addition to my research, I have some experience with course design and lecturing on topics related to policing.