What in the World ISN'T Chemistry?

Établissement : Université d'Ottawa ()
Catégorie : Faculté des sciences
Langue : English

Description du cours

Learn all about the chemistry in the world around you, especially as it relates to your life! Make it real by performing twenty-five hands-on experiments that really work!
•“It's elementary, my dear Watson”: studies of atoms, atomic structure, and ionic behaviour;
•“Acids, acids everywhere”: measurements that you will make on all kinds of things from pH2 to 12;
•“It's a mixed-up world”: the separation of chemical mixtures by all sorts of neat methods;
•“My first big experiments in science”: so secret we can't even tell you at this time;
•“Makin' Stuff”: your chance to make really cool gifts just in time for Mother's Day!

Please note: This mini-course is offered to students in 8th and 9th grade only.