Établissement : Carleton University (Carleton University)
Catégorie : Faculty of Engineering and Design
Langue :
Description du cours
This course will explore the fundamental concept of matter and its three primary states - solid, liquid, and gas. We will delve into the properties of motion of both solids and fluids, starting with projectile motion and laws of motion for solids, followed by basic thermophysical properties like density, viscosity, and pressure for fluids (time permitting). To augment the understanding of each concept, we will be experiencing molecular-level interactions and hands-on experiments through virtual reality. Activities will be held in VR to allow students to work both individually and cooperatively where they will be able to experience firsthand common fluid mechanics principles in an interactive manner. These VR experiences will be held such that students will collect data from replicated real word experiments and continue to derive knowledge and behaviors from this data in the classroom to reinforce the learning objectives.