Know Thyself: Self-Awareness Enhancement through Online Cognitive Games

Établissement : Carleton University (Carleton University)
Catégorie : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Langue : English

Description du cours

Self-Awareness has long been praised as a personality trait for our growth and mental health. There are many ways for improving our self-awareness proposed by various sources including World Health Organization (WHO). However, here we take a different approach inspired by cognitive science and new cloud technologies and multimedia in the classroom. We start our journey by trying different tests similar to game-like applications where we see our results and the way our minds work. We will realize how our mental underlying processes can help us to adjust to the world in the best way. The pattern of our cognitive activities is well organized and goal-oriented that we can see how they provide us with amazing abilities such as decision making, problem solving, reasoning, and awareness. Although our cognition works like an intelligent machine, we can understand its tricks and mechanisms much easier that computerized tools because we are so close to our personal experience and rational abilities. Without any complex skills, we play directly with our cognitive machine, which is on our neck, sensing and acting on the world, as a so-called "necktop". By engaging in various cognitive games during class and sharing and comparing our results with each other, we will conclude our journey with the gift of enhanced self-awareness.