K-pop ABCs: Learn to read and write the Korean alphabet in 5 days!

Établissement : Carleton University (Carleton University)
Catégorie : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Langue : English

Description du cours

Recently, Korean culture encompassing dramas, music, movies and food has gained popularity around the world. Even the word, “Hallyu” (Korean wave), was created to represent the phenomenon. Are you a fan of K-pop or K-drama? Do you love to eat Korean food? Then, what would be a better way to explore Korea and its culture than learning the Korean language?
In this course, as a first step to learning the language, you will be introduced to the Korean alphabet, Hangul, one of the easiest writing systems to learn to read. In 5 days, you will be able to learn to read and write any Korean text including names of your favourite K-pop stars, song lyrics or anything in Korean around you. This course also includes a field trip to the Korean Cultural Centre in Ottawa where you can have the experience of wearing Hanbok (Korean traditional dress), trying Korean snacks, and singing K-pop with Karaoke.