
Institution: University of Ottawa (LMX257)
Category: Telfer School of Management
Language: English

Course Description

This mini-course covers management basics and strategic decision-making fundamentals.
To engage students, teamwork (games, case studies, and discussions) is an everyday essential.
I've already found some sources, but for case studies and games, I'll keep looking and talking to professors to find the most interesting and easy-to-understand material. 5-day plan:
Day 1: Introduction to Management (Concepts and Functions)
Day 2: Management in real life (levels, features, management styles, challenges)
Day 3: Strategic Management 1 (Concepts, Situation Analysis, Strategy Formulation)
Day 4: Strategic Management 2 (Implimentation, Business Model Canvas)
Day 5: Management in Practice (3 Case Studies covering the above topics)